5 Oct 2016

Chimney Service in Ocean County

Post by admin

As a Chimney service in Ocean County, we know how much people love having a fireplace in their home. We understand why, too. The ambiance, the comfort, the warmth. It’s a luxury that makes your autumn and winter evenings so much better!

But it’s important to remember the “fire” part of the fireplace. If you have one in your home, keep these three things in mind so you can be sure you’ll be able to enjoy it for a lot of years to come:


The words “safety first” are words to live by, especially when dealing with fire and flames. Proper installation, proper usage, and proper cleaning are all essential parts of owning a fireplace or wood burning stove. You may like the smell, but if smoke is escaping into the room that’s a bad sign.

Also essential is having working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home. Under certain conditions, a subtle “backdraft” can form that pulls air from your chimney into your home – and that means gases you don’t want to be breathing.

All of this means one thing: Safety comes first. Any Ocean County chimney service will agree.


If you’re going to have a fireplace, it’s important that you fully understand how it’s put together and how it works. This isn’t something you can gleefully be ignorant of, such as the finer details of how your household plumbing is put together. Understanding your chimney and fireplace is a key part of household safety!

Know what masonry materials are used. Understand your flue and flue walls, and how they interact with the combustible walls they are surrounded by. Have a good grasp of what the throat and smoke chamber does, and how to spot problems with them. Have a good grasp on what the firebox does, what the damper is, the role of firegates, and more.

All of these things can help you spot problems before they become dangerous problems. If you need an assist, contact a chimney service Ocean County to help you with an inspection.


Finally, as an extension of the above, it’s important to understand how your chimney and fireplace works. That means having a good grasp of the basics – how to safely start a fire, how to operate the damper (and why), how to manage your fire, and so on – and also some of the finer details some people overlook, such as what to do with the ash, how to tell if your chimney is in need of cleaning, and issues that could present safety problems.

Much of this is or will seem like common sense, but there is no need to tell you that common sense is not so common these days! That’s why being an educated user of your fireplace and chimney is so important. After all, you’re playing with fire – literally!

As a Chimney service in Ocean County, we know how much people love having a fireplace in their home. We understand why, too. The ambiance, the comfort, the warmth. It’s a luxury that makes your autumn and winter evenings so much better!

But it’s important to remember the “fire” part of the fireplace. If you have one in your home, keep these three things in mind so you can be sure you’ll be able to enjoy it for a lot of years to come:


The words “safety first” are words to live by, especially when dealing with fire and flames. Proper installation, proper usage, and proper cleaning are all essential parts of owning a fireplace or wood burning stove. You may like the smell, but if smoke is escaping into the room that’s a bad sign.

Also essential is having working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in your home. Under certain conditions, a subtle “backdraft” can form that pulls air from your chimney into your home – and that means gases you don’t want to be breathing.

All of this means one thing: Safety comes first. Any Ocean County chimney service will agree.


If you’re going to have a fireplace, it’s important that you fully understand how it’s put together and how it works. This isn’t something you can gleefully be ignorant of, such as the finer details of how your household plumbing is put together. Understanding your chimney and fireplace is a key part of household safety!

Know what masonry materials are used. Understand your flue and flue walls, and how they interact with the combustible walls they are surrounded by. Have a good grasp of what the throat and smoke chamber does, and how to spot problems with them. Have a good grasp on what the firebox does, what the damper is, the role of firegates, and more.

All of these things can help you spot problems before they become dangerous problems. If you need an assist, contact a chimney service Ocean County to help you with an inspection.


Finally, as an extension of the above, it’s important to understand how your chimney and fireplace works. That means having a good grasp of the basics – how to safely start a fire, how to operate the damper (and why), how to manage your fire, and so on – and also some of the finer details some people overlook, such as what to do with the ash, how to tell if your chimney is in need of cleaning, and issues that could present safety problems.

Much of this is or will seem like common sense, but there is no need to tell you that common sense is not so common these days! That’s why being an educated user of your fireplace and chimney is so important. After all, you’re playing with fire – literally!

A fireplace is a great addition to any home, but remember, safety first so you can enjoy it for a long time to come!